Kiistoonoon (about us)
Creating connections to the traditional lands of Indigenous people through movement, personal growth, and inclusive access to outdoor activities.
Soul of Miistaki (“Miis-dah-gee”) is an Indigenous-led nonprofit founded by a Blackfoot woman, dedicated to creating welcoming outdoor experiences that celebrate diverse communities and honor Indigenous traditions. We invite organizations to learn from our journey, fostering understanding and connection through talks on Indigenous culture and how to be supportive allies.
Involvement in outdoor activities has the power to transform lives. We break barriers by offering the BIPOC community these opportunities and promote representation in activities that are situated on traditional lands of the Indigenous people in Treaty 7 — fostering connection and healing.
The term “movement is medicine”, has been used in various Indigenous communities to encourage physical activity not only in prevention of disease but healing that Indigenous people need from the historical events and that has caused immobility Indigenous people experience on reserves.
“When individuals come together from diverse backgrounds, we create a pathway to forming ally-ship”
— Cassie Ayoungman, founder of Soul of Miistaki
Healing Through Movement
The Truth and Reconciliation call to action #89 calls on the Federal government to amend the Physical Activity and Sport Act policies to reduce barriers to sport participation and promote physical activity as a fundamental element of health and well-being.
When younger generations participate in hiking, mountain biking, skiing, and rock climbing, the connection to the land and identity are strengthened. Our culture and stories will live on as we create opportunities for our children to see themselves represented in these spaces. We belong to the land, and all it offers in our healing journeys.